Make sure to book your accommodation for the Munis 101 sessions! The following partner properties are offering preferred rates for our registrants:
Course Date |
Course Location |
Hotel | Rate/Night (excl. taxes) |
Rate Expiry Date |
Phone Toll-free |
Mention |
Oct. 30-31 | Camrose | Camrose Resort Best Western |
Standard |
N/A | 1-800-780-7234 | EOEP Munis 101 |
Nov. 2-3 | Grande Prairie | Stonebridge Hotel | $119
Standard |
Oct. 26 | 1-888-419-4657 | Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) |
Nov 30 – Dec 1 |
Drumheller | Canalta Jurassic | $116.10 Standard |
Oct. 30 | 1-855-933-1933 | Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) |
Dec. 7-8 | Westlock | Westlock Inn | $95 Single
$100 Double |
Nov. 7 | 1-888-768-9959 | Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) or 120717 |
Dec. 11-12 | Manning | Nova Inn | $94 Queen
$104 King |
Dec. 3 | 1-866-910-6682 | Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) or 1136876 |
Jan. 6-7 | Peace River | Sawridge Inn | $99 Standard | N/A | 1-888-729-7343 | GOV |
Jan. 8-9 | Lethbridge | Coast Lethbridge | $102 Comfort
$118 Premium $130 Premium |
Dec. 8 | 1-800-663-1144 | Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) |