Land Use and Development Approvals

Good planning” is a general concept – there is no single approved statement of what good planning consists of. Planning has evolved over many years and can be considered a long term, ongoing process that includes planning itself, as well as project delivery and ongoing monitoring and evaluation. Planning aims to improve the effectiveness of public services in meeting people’s needs, and to support the development of local communities and to improve the quality of life for all.

Councillors play both an initiating and facilitating role in the development of community plans, focused around the following concepts:

  • Seek the participation of and encourage the public to express their views and take those views into account as part of the planning process
  • Identify long-term objectives to improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the community
  • Identify actions and functions to meet these objectives including those related to the planning, provision and improvement of public services
  • Consistently review the progress of the municipality’s plans and provide direction to change course as local context evolves
  • Understand the statutory link between the municipality’s plans and the tools in place to implement those plans

Module  1: The Role of Council in Municipal Land Use Planning and Development

After completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what planning is, why it’s important and what the provincial-municipal relationship in planning is

Module 2: Work Effectively Within Alberta’s Statutory Land Use Planning Process

After completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of council in the planning process
  • Understand the role of the public in planning decisions
  • Identify statutory and non-statutory plans and what the role is of the land use bylaw

Module 3: The Land Use Application Process

After completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Understand re-designation and subdivision of land
  • Evaluate development proposals
  • Understand appeals and disputes