How do I register for Munis 101 when I’m not sure who will be on council?

Since registration for Munis 101 opened on July 5, we’ve had quite a few phone calls and emails from municipal staff wondering how they can register councillors for the course when they won’t even know for sure who their council is until after the upcoming municipal elections. That’s a fair question, and one that we had to put a lot of thought into when designing the registration process.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Enter placeholder registration information for the time being to secure the number of seats needed for your council to attend the course.
  2. After the election, the EOEP will work with you to replace the placeholder information with the actual names of the new and returning councillors attending the course.

Booking ahead with placeholder information secures council attendance at Munis 101 and will help your municipality establish its training plan well in advance of the election.

For a complete breakdown of how to register for Munis 101, check out the step-by-step guide.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact

Information and registration for Munis 101 is on the Elected Officials Education Program website