
How do I register elected officials for Munis 101 without knowing who they are?


There is a guide to help walk you through the “ghost” registration process and can be found  here. If you need help, please contact the Registrar at registrar@eoep.ca.


What is the EOEP’s refund policy?


Our Attendance and Cancellation guidelines are here


Does the EOEP offer a certificate program?


The EOEP does have a certificate program, the Municipal Elected Leader’s Certificate or MELC, through the University of Alberta Augustana Extended Education Program.


Why is registration closed for a course I’m interested in?


Each EOEP course includes a maximum capacity, usually set in consultation with the course instructor and based on the venue hosting the course. If you are unable to register, this is likely the case.


I really want to take a specific course but see that it’s not being offered anytime soon. Why?


The EOEP strives to schedule courses as equitably as possible. However, often instructor availability and student demand will impact when and how often courses are offered. For example, offering a successful course can create positive word of mouth and requests for it to be offered again shortly after. Similarly, scheduling instructors with relevant expertise can sometimes be difficult for certain courses. The EOEP is committed to offering all courses a reasonable number of times during each election cycle. If you are interested in a specific course but don’t see it offered, please reach out the EOEP Registrar, and we will try our best to schedule it in the near future.


Why don’t you hold any courses in my community?


The EOEP strives to make courses as accessible as possible to elected officials from across Alberta. For example, we have started offering courses online and at different times of day to make participation easier for elected officials from across Alberta to attend. EOEP is also willing to partner with one more municipalities interested in having a specific course offered locally. The EOEP has a course hosting policy that establishes the role that the partnering municipality(ies) would play in promoting the course, providing a venue, securing registrations, etc. For more information on working with the EOEP to host a course in you communities, contact the EOEP Registrar at registrar@eoep.ca